Course code 06 33 1952 00
Number of ECTS points 2
Course title in the language of instruction
Zarządzanie środowiskiem
Course title in Polish Zarządzanie środowiskiem
Course title in English
Environmental Management
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 10 8 0 18
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.65 0.35 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska i Instalacji Budowlanych
Course coordinator dr inż. Dorota Olejnik
Course instructors prof. dr hab. inż. Ewa Liwarska-Bizukojć, dr inż. Dorota Olejnik
Course learning outcomes
  1. Student is able to define the basic concepts of management and environmental management, including the concept of sustainable development in relation to engineering activities
  2. Student is able to name and describe environmental management strategies and systems
  3. Student is able to assess the impact of the project on the natural environment using appropriate methods and indicators
  4. Student is able to name environmental, legal, economic and social aspects of urban development and explain the role of industrial ecology in their development.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Student has the knowledge necessary to understand social, environmental, economic, legal and other non-technical conditions of civil engineering activities, including the basic concepts and principles of creation and development of various forms of entrepreneurship, protection of industrial property and copyright law, construction and environmental protection law.
  2. Student is aware of the professional responsibility resulting from performing the function of an engineer and the need to maintain the ethos of the profession. He/she respects and takes into account the interests of the investment project participants in its activities, recognizes the importance of knowledge and expert opinions in a given field. He/she is ready to initiate activities for the social environment. He/she can think and act in an entrepreneurial way.
Programme content Selected problems of environmental management, in particular with strategies and environmental management systems and assessment of the environmental impact assessment of projects.
Assessment methods
Effects 1-3: written test; presentation and a written report on the task performed - one for a two-person group
Effect 4: written test

Grading policies The final grade consists of: a written test of the material presented in the lectures and recommended literature (65%) and the completion of the seminar (35%).
Course content Lecture 1. Environmental protection and environmental management. Sustainable development. 2. Basic concepts regarding environmental management. Integrated environmental management. Environmental management strategies. 3. Environmental management in the enterprise. Environmental management systems. ISO 14001 and EMAS standards. 4. The assessment of environmental impact, in particular the environmental impact assessment of projects 5. Ecology of urban areas. Assessment and indicators of the enterprise environmental status. System for verification of pro-environmental technologies. Seminar elaboration of a selected environmental management problem should be prepared. In general, it has to be a description of the project, including environmental aspects, and in particular compliance with the idea of sustainable development, cleaner production, and environmental impact assessment. This description should also include the characteristics of environmental actions taken and environmental management systems, if implemented. The results of the study will be presented in the form of written and oral elaboration.
Basic reference materials
  1. Aime C. F., Kramer M., Kryński A. Zintegrowane zarządzanie środowiskiem. Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa, 2013
  2. Kowal E., Kucińska-Landwójtowicz A., Misiołek A. Zarządzanie środowiskowe. PWE, Warszawa, 2013
  3. Poskrobko T., Poskrobko B. Zarządzanie środowiskiem w Polsce. PWE, Warszawa, 2012
Other reference materials
  1. Strzelecka E. i in. Zarządzanie przedsięwzięciami budowlanymi. Podstawy, procedury, przykłady. Wyd. Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014
  2. Doniec A. (red.) Symbioza i parki ekoprzemysłowe. Wyd. ABC a Wolters Kluwer business, Warszawa, 2011
  3. Luciński W., Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Świdyński J. Instytucje i instrumenty wspierające ochronę środowiska naturalnego. Texter, Warszawa, 2016
  4. Dmochowska-Dudek K. Syndrom Nimby w przestrzeni wielkomiejskiej. Przykład Łodzi, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2019-06-01 18:13:14
Archival course yes/no no